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Best of Show: Fleur-de-Lis by Lynn Rattray
Best of Acrylic: The Strong Silent Type by Leslie Jeffrey
Best of Drawing: Thaw by Edgar Carabio
Best of Oil: Elvis's Return to the Polk by Karla Pirona
Best of Watercolor: Walter in Green by Donna Morrison
Best of Other: Rhyme + Rhythm by Norbert Gonsales
Award of Merit: The Weather on the Lake (Oil) by Marjorie Greene Graff
Award of Merit: Celestial Escape (Other: Oil + Wax) by Kim Osborne
Award of Merit: Cake Break (Acrylic) by Jennifer Johnson
Award of Merit: List in Thought - Tampa (Oil) by Linda Hughes
Honorable Mention #1: Smoke 1895 (Drawing) by Cora Waterhouse
Honorable Mention #: What the Blue Heron Sees #5 (Acrylic) by Candice Knapp
Honorable Mention #3: Great Blue Heron in the Trees (Acrylic) by Brenna Robe
Honorable Mention #4: Butternut Squash Soup (Watercolor) by Kathy Durdin
Honorable Mention #: The Introduction (Watercolor) by Deborah Biasetti
Honorable Mention #6: Jelly Babies (Other: Fiber) by Anna Jonsdottir
"When selecting artworks as a juror, I try to keep in mind three general criteria: creativity, personal voice, and skill. In other words, is the artwork particularly interesting, creative, or innovative in some way? Does the artwork communicate a thought-provoking or unique point of view through its use of materials, visual characteristics, or subject matter? And finally, has the artist employed formal aspects of composition, materials or processes with a high degree of technical skill? Some artworks may have an incredible technical virtuosity but less creative or conceptual impact, while others may be exceptionally creative by working more experimentally than adhering to traditional techniques or methods. For me, looking for artworks that resonate across these three categories helps to sort through and weigh the various choices I'm presented with for juried exhibitions.
At the end of the day, it's an incredibly intuitive process—different jurors may review the same artworks and have entirely different selections. In this exhibition, I was delighted by the range of creativity and skill but also the unique viewpoints presented across all media. My sincere congratulations to all the artists whose work is represented in the show.”