Exhibition Archive
Tampa Regional Artists hosts monthly themed exhibitions throughout the year. The monthly shows are open to members and non-members.Artwork submitted to our themed shows, except our Summer Sale and Holiday Market, is judged and eligible for awards.
Thank you for the distinct honor of judging the annual Faces and Figures exhibit, which was no small feat. There were several pieces worthy of award and I’d like to congratulation all the artists who displayed this month
Here are the pieces that stood out the most to me -
With much respect and appreciation to all the talent I witnessed today. -Chris van Hillo
FIRST PLACE: FOUND HAT (Pastels) by Judith Baizan (Image not available)
Judith captured the essence of innocence through her application of light, shadow, and texture. That innocence resonated with me and grabbed hold of my heart. Brava!
SECOND PLACE: FIREDANCE (Watercolor) by Donna Morrison (Image not available)
Donna celebrates the joy and commitment of the Fire Dance ceremony through a cacophony of color and movement. Her attention to detail brings this painting to life.
THIRD PLACE: LEHMAH GBOWEE (Charcoal) by Cora Waterhouse There is something intrinsically beautiful about the simplicity of charcoal. I love how Cora sketched Lehmah’s face against darkness, eyes gazing forward, as she turns her back to the chaos of life and leaves it behind.
HONORABLE MENTION: HAVE WE MET (Watercolor) by Deb Biasetti (Image not available)
Isn’t this woman lovely - who wouldn’t want to meet her and her little “Roger Rabbit-eyed” dog. I love the hues of green blending into yellow.
HONORABLE MENTION: NO (Sculpture) by Alexandra Smietana
The lack of expression in this sculpted face evokes serenity, or perhaps acceptance. Who doesn’t need more of that? However, the slightest tilt of the head gave me a sense of peace as I felt the message that it’s all going to be ok!
HONORABLE MENTION: SUNRISE SERENITY (Oil Pastel) by Luis Diaz (Image not available)
There was something disturbingly alluring about this painting that kept drawing me back. Art does not have to be cheery and make us feel good; it just must make us feel.
Judges Statement: Judging the Landscape exhibit was a wonderfully challenging experience. Each artist brought their own unique vision and skill to the show. I was struck by the diversity of styles and mediums represented. The skill level across the board made it difficult to select only 6 prize recipients. I was enamored with the bold use of color in the show. What a feast for the eyes!
Among the pieces selected for awards, skill, originality, and mastery of the mediums were what I was impressed with.
Thank you TRA for the honor of judging this show!
-Curtis Whitwam
Judge's comments: As a judge for the recent Fin, Fur and Feathers show, I had the privilege of exploring a diverse array of creative talent. Each artist brought their own voice and vision, making the process of evaluating these works as both rewarding and challenging. In "Strike a Pose," by John Guiseppi, the use of a contrasting solid black background and white bird create a bold and striking image. This drawing is balanced with clean lines and truly shows the skills of the artist. "Charlie," by Kathy Durdin, uses controlled loose movement of watercolor to create an image of a dog that gives a sense of warmth and coziness, contributing to an overall impression of cuddliness. Last is Daniel Butler's Untitled (Fla Osprey) which puts the viewer in flights. His attention to detail throughout the entire composition and the movement of the osprey catching the fish is engaging and alive.
-Jennifer Perman
Judge's Comments: I enjoyed viewing this excellent, diverse and very creative exhibit. The award winners demonstrated skill and originality. "The Critic" by Deborah Biasetti shows mastery of her medium in an exciting splash of color which is true to her subject. "Axel" is a complete composition in a small space, beautifully painted and so touching. "The Neighborhood" by Laurie Garret is beautifully created in an unusual medium and deserving of recognition. Congratulations to all the exhibiting artists.
-Sue Downes Allen
Judge's Comments: All the artists did an outstanding job utilizing their medium of choice. Their uses of color to distinguish light from dark took their compositions to a more interesting level. I enjoyed seeing the artists' hand present in the works. Those who chose to paint and draw did well in drawing the viewer in and inviting them to those intimate moments when the artist played with the mediums and materials. Not only did I get to enjoy the scenes depicted, I got to enjoy the artists art making process. For those who chose photography, they addressed the viewers tendency to look to the center of the picture plane and did a great job juiding the eye around. Many works depicted similar subject matters so I was impressed that many were able to stand out individually and ignite my interest.
- Anna Kearns, The University of Tampa B.A. Museum Studies 2024
Judges Notes: So many quality pieces… hard to pick!
1st place: evokes emotion - quality use of pastels
2nd place (image unavailable): great composition - love the use of complements
3rd place: perfect title and well executed. It makes you want to know the story behind it.
HM: Mary-Helen Horne - intriguing, great composition
HM: Cynthia Keenan - delicate and crisp use of watercolor
JUROR’S NOTES: Ava Ghayoumi
Judging the Faces and Figures competition was a rewarding and challenging experience. I was amazed by the diversity and quality of the paintings submitted, which displayed a range of styles, mediums, and expressions. I lookded for artworks that showed a personal and unique vision, a high level of skill and craftsmanship, and a clear and effective communication of the human form. After much consideration, I selected these artworks as the winners of the competitions.
“Baby Hazel” captivated me with its soft beauty. The artist used a watercolor medium in the best way to capture and create a delicate softness of an infant. The painting showed a remarkable control of the medium, as the artist used warm and neutral colors to create mood, depth and detail. The painting also expressed a tender and intimate emotion, inviting the viewer to share the bond between the infant and the artist.
Judge’s Statement: Congratulations to Old Hyde Park Art Center and especially the artists who contributed to this excellent exhibit. Thank you for the honor of being your judge. I found the originality of works by the award winners set them apart from other entries. I also rewarded composition, content and an idea well rendered.
Sue Downes Allen
Works on Paper
JUROR’S NOTES: Dana Warner
Recognizing only 6 works with an award among the almost 50 pieces submitted was a difficult task. I was awed by the variety of media, subject matter, and techniques utilized by the artists.
Of the works I’ve chosen to highlight today, I was particularly drawn to the artist’s strong compositions, use of light and color to create mood, and their adept handling of media.
Thank you Judy, Kathy and all of TRA for inviting me to act as juror for this exhbiti!
First Place - no image available, Diane Harm, Beautiful White Bird, Colored pencil
Judge’s Statement: An exhibition with a great diversity of media. I was delighted to see so many subjects outside of the box (spent flowers, a really ugly mushroom, absurd angles). All paintings were wll framed and professionally presented. The artists were not afraid of color and, in general, the composition of the paitings was very good, successfly carrying the viewers’ eye through the painting.
Terry Denison
Judge’s Statement: Thank you for the opportunity to view your work for this exhibition; to be able to look at all these amazing works of art and select this exhibition and the award winners is always a treat. After nearly 25 years of doing curatorial work at the Morean Arts Center, I continue to be amazed at the depth and breadth of artistic talent in the Tampa Bay area. How lucky are we to live here among all this beauty?
This was my first visit to the Old Hyde Park Art Center, and I was impressed by the way the space is used, and the extent of the programs offered in such a small yet powerful facility. Kudos to the staff, volunteers and artists who make special places like this such a joy to visit and be part of.
Selecting work for this exhibition was difficult due to the fine quality of work presented for judging. All judges say this, and for me, it’s always true. Even more difficult was selecting award winners for the exhibition. One thing that impressed me was how strong each of the categories was---all of them were well-represented. Out of all the work in the show, Rhys Meatyard’s “Even Darkness Must Pass” really stood out to me. The narrative quality of the painting, the color palette and delicate line work combined with the lovely, hand-crafted frame made for one big award-winning work of art.
There are numerous other pieces in the exhibition that are worth individual mention, but we don’t have time and space here. Thank you again for the privilege of viewing your work and giving my opinion on it. Keep creating and doing what you’re doing: making this world a better place by making us see it through your eyes.
Amanda Cooper, Curator of Exhibitions, Morean Arts Center
Works on Paper 2022 Judge: Sue Allen
Judges Remarks on Fin, Fur & Feather 2022: (Diane G. Simon, FWS, FSWS):
“Lovely display of talent and techniques. Very challenging to limit the awards. There were several that deserved a comment or two in regards to the composition or value changes. Minor adjustments to make a work just jump off the wall!! I loved the variety of mediums. Your creativity has inspired me. The movement in the paintings shows a great understanding of composition. Bravo Bravo!!!”
Bay Area 15 Award Winners
Abstract Exhibit 2022
Tampa Interiors/ Exteriors and Landscape Exhibit
This exhibit includes a special exhibit of Tampa Interiors/ Exteriors, in conjunction with the Historic Hyde Park Home Tour on March 5. The judge for this exhibit was Ken Garcia. The exhibit will be on display through March 25.
This exhibit will be on display at the Old Hyde Park Art Center through February 25. The juror for this exhibit was Ron Malone, FWS. Click here for a video of his remarks.Judge's Remarks
This exhibit was on display at the Old Hyde Park Art Center through January 27.
The juror for this exhibit was Barbara Stubbs.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to jury your Tampa Realistic Artist Show Celebrate! It was my pleasure to experience the many wonderful works of art utilizing a wide range of materials and to select three awards for your artists’ interpretation of the theme: Celebrate! After almost 2 years of Covid, artists demonstrated many ways to illustrate their celebrations.
I awarded Third Prize to Cathy Durdin for her artwork Clapping Out. Cathy presented a colorful interpretation of the celebration theme using a strong central clerical figure. She utilizes the elements of proportion and emphasis leading the viewer’s eyes to focus on prominent clapping hands to express a celebratory mood. Gentle color changes guide the viewer’s eyes around the picture plane and a fulfilling image of joy is conveyed.
Second Prize went to Donna Morrison for her vibrantly engaging watercolor Catching Air. This vivid image draws the viewer to her painting by a dazzling color palette and sharp and accurate details. The intense implied movement of the fish and masterful use of color strongly convey a celebration of nature, freedom and strength.
I awarded First Prize to Alicia Rodriguez for her bright and brilliant acrylic painting Bembe. An entire town is pictured ablaze in glorious color with elements of movement and intense detail dazzling the viewer with dramatic dance and jubilant rhythm. Hidden history and cultural symbols are featured in this beautifully crafted composition. Her balance of color, line and use of space suggest a gifted artist.
2023 Artist Calls:
2022 Receiving & Pick Up Schedule
Title Receiving Dates
Celebrate January 8-9
Faces and Figures January 28 & 30 (closed Jan. 29 for Gasparilla)
Landscape, with a Special Exhibit and Award for Tampa Cityscapes and Interiors February 26 &27
Abstract March 26 &27
Bay Area Art Exhibit (Juried Exhibit) April 23 -24, Images due March TBD
Art in the Garden May 21 & 22
Student Exhibit, Cora Waterhouse Classes June 18 & 19
Summer Sale July 23 & 24
Fin, Fur & Feather August 20 & 21
Works on Paper September 17 & 18
Rembrandt Youth Art Competition, Ages 5-14 October 22 & 23
Sculpture Class November 18 & 20
Exhibiting Requirements:
Work must:
…be your own original work based on your image or composition and completed within the last 5 years.
…be listed for sale to be judged for awards. For sales, we take 20% commission. Artists receive 80% minus the sales tax we submit.
…not have been completed under the direction of a teacher or during a class.
…not have won an award in a past TRA exhibition.
*…be wired, framed and ready to hang or display on a pedestal. Unframed gallery wrapped canvases must have the sides neatly painted. We will charge an additional $5 if it is not wired and we need to wire it for you. * Applies only to in-person exhibits.
Cost to enter:
Limit of 3 entries per artist unless otherwise noted.
A single entry over 40 inches counts as two entries.
Members: $10 per entry or 3 for $25
Non-Members: $15 per entry or 3 for $40
Other Notes:
For in person shows, please note receiving and pickup dates for artwork.
Any work not claimed within a month of the show's ending date will become property of TRA.
* For tips on photographing your artwork, check out these links: