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JUROR’S NOTES: Ava Ghayoumi
Judging the Faces and Figures competition was a rewarding and challenging experience. I was amazed by the diversity and quality of the paintings submitted, which displayed a range of styles, mediums, and expressions. I lookded for artworks that showed a personal and unique vision, a high level of skill and craftsmanship, and a clear and effective communication of the human form. After much consideration, I selected these artworks as the winners of the competitions.
“Baby Hazel” captivated me with its soft beauty. The artist used a watercolor medium in the best way to capture and create a delicate softness of an infant. The painting showed a remarkable control of the medium, as the artist used warm and neutral colors to create mood, depth and detail. The painting also expressed a tender and intimate emotion, inviting the viewer to share the bond between the infant and the artist.
JUROR’S NOTES: Ava Ghayoumi
Judging the Faces and Figures competition was a rewarding and challenging experience. I was amazed by the diversity and quality of the paintings submitted, which displayed a range of styles, mediums, and expressions. I lookded for artworks that showed a personal and unique vision, a high level of skill and craftsmanship, and a clear and effective communication of the human form. After much consideration, I selected these artworks as the winners of the competitions.
“Baby Hazel” captivated me with its soft beauty. The artist used a watercolor medium in the best way to capture and create a delicate softness of an infant. The painting showed a remarkable control of the medium, as the artist used warm and neutral colors to create mood, depth and detail. The painting also expressed a tender and intimate emotion, inviting the viewer to share the bond between the infant and the artist.
First Place: Baby Hazel/Watercolor by Donna Morrison
Second Place: Ruth St Denis, American Pioneer of Modern Dance/Oil by Geoffrey Poole
Third Place: Clogging to the Wandering Hours/Watercolor by Kathy Durdin
Honorable Mention: His Radiance/Oil by Matt Ellrod
Honorable Mention: Sunflowers/Watercolor by Valerie DeJong