The Demo
Please join us for a demo on acrylic painting by Kerry Didday. “I will explain the advantages of working on a dark canvas and painting your subject upside down. Looking at your subject as mere shapes, allowing for simplification, spontaneity, and a looser style. I will be painting a cityscape at night. Here is my prepared canvas and selected subject in my studio.”
Kerry will be instructing a workshop on January 16, 2021: CREATE-DESTROY-CREATE
Zoom meeting information.
Topic: TRA Demo -- January
Time: Jan 14, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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About the Artist
Kerry graduated from the University of Cincinnati at the college of Design, Art and Architecture and began his creative life as an Art Director with a fortune 500 company and as an artist at local art shows. After a few years he founded an award winning national marketing and design firm as President and Creative Director. During those years Kerry remained active in fine arts by teaching and painting with further studies at the University of Cincinnati, The Cincinnati Art Academy at the Art Museum and Artist Magazine.
Kerry is currently a full time artist, painting from his studio in Florida, teaching acrylic painting and giving workshops. He continued his studies with the Dazzle Art Group and attended workshops with Carol Frye, Skip Lawrence, Alex Powers, Katherine Chang Liu, and Mary Alice Brackman.
Recent Awards and Shows:
Signature member of ISEA, ISAP, APUSA
International Society of Acrylic Painters Juried Awards 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012
International Society of Acrylic Painters - Florida Awards 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017
International Society of Experimental Artists Juried Award 2009, 2010, 2014
Suntan Art Center Best of Show 2007, 2009
Vision of Eire - Solo Show 2008
Dynamic Duo Show 2010
Six Feet Over Professional Show 2010
University of Cincinnati Alumni Show 2010
Morean Art Center, John Brown Memorial Award 2011
2014 ISEA-Welsh Group, Wales England Traveling Show
2014 Best of Show ISAP-FL
2017 City Dwellers solo show
Acrylic Painters USA Juried Show, 2017, 2018, 2019.2020
Neutral Impressions Show, TECO Corporate Gallery, 2019
President, Acrylic Painters USA 2018, 2019, 2020