Learn the basics of creating paintings with oil and cold wax medium. Cold wax paintings blur the line between oil painting and encaustic painting.
Cold Wax Painting can be used in ALL types of painting styles, including landscape, abstract, still life.... anything from realism or abstraction, Experimentation, texture and the physicality of paint layers is the what I love most about working with cold wax.
Cold wax is a mixture of natural beeswax, solvent and resin. The term cold refers to the fact that heat is not required to work with the wax. As the solvent evaporates the soft wax hardens to the density of a beeswax candle.
Cold Wax also gives oil colors a beautiful translucent quality, layered lightly working with transparent paints, a seductive surface similar to encaustic paintings can be achieved.
Kathy Durdin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 740 986 2189
Supplies for workshop:
Your choice of oil paints
Gamblin cold wax medium
Gamsol solvent
Spray bottle for Gamsol solvent
Arches oil paper OR cradled wood panels (2 or three)
Gamblin Galkyd gel
Palette knives
Silicone bowl scraper (you can get from Amazon) to
Catalyst wedge
If using Arches oil paper, no priming is necessary. For wood panels be sure to gesso panels or purchase pre-primed panels.
Sign Up for the Workshop Below: