Fin, Fur and Feathers

Judge’s Statement:

It was a true honor to have the opportunity to judge this fine group of artist’s work. Judging art can be extremely subjective and Intuitive, and the works I chose reflect my own personal interests and experience as an artist.

The work showed a great breadth of expertise among the different media, so It was important for me to take into consideration the execution. Did the artist successfully show a mastery of the medium and accurately capture the character of the animal? I looked for a basic knowledge of anatomy, clarity and interpretation of the theme, originality, quality of composition and design, and visual impact.

I considered the basic principles of art, including balance, proportion, contrast and rhythm. All of these factor into a successful piece, however, It was important to look beyond technique to find work that told a story and showed a unique point of view.

Overall, I can confidently say that these artists are dedicated to their craft, and I truly enjoyed seeing each and every piece. I wish you all many more years of creativity and learning.

Thank you again for sharing your work with me, and being vulnerable enough to share your experiences. May you continue to inspire!

-John Brennan