Landscape, Seascape, Cityscape

Judges’ Statement

Thank you for the opportunity to review the submissions for the TRA Landscape Exhibition.  We were impressed with the overall quality and variety of work from the group.  

 Decisions were based on composition, consistency of the body of work submitted, handling of the media, and also on the quality of the digital submissions.  Artists lose points when anything but the artwork shows.  As a general rule for any show, never present work with mats or frames, glass reflections, walls, tables, easels, or anything except the actual artwork, which is all that is being judged. Artists who lack the ability to shoot their work correctly or to crop their digital submissions need to ask for help to prepare their entries.  

Congratulations to the six Award Winners!  The job was tough as there were many strong pieces to select from.  

Robin Makowski and Rita Szopinski